Immune & Detox Master Class – Jozef & Oran (Part 1)

👉👉👉 Detox Daily Habits, Surfacing Emotions, Hydration, Ketogenic & Intermittent Fasting – Masterclass by Jozef & Oran (Feb 18 2024)



The masterclass covers daily habits, surfacing emotions, the importance of hydration, and the principles of a ketogenic and intermittent fasting diet for immune and detox benefits.


  • 💧 Emphasizes the significance of alkaline and filtered water consumption for detox and overall health.
  • 🌿 Recommends incorporating deep breathing and meditation into daily routines for emotional and mental detoxification.
  • 🥑 Advocates for a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting to promote fat burning, immunity, and detoxification.
  • 🤔 Encourages listening to intuition, changing one’s environment, and practicing bravery for personal growth and wellness.
  • 🌞 Stresses the benefits of adjusting daily routines and practicing new habits to create positive change in lifestyle and mindset.

Key insights

  • 🔥 The combination of ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting can lead to burning fat and dead cells, enhancing immunity and detoxing the body.
  • 🧘‍♂️ Taking a few deep breaths and engaging in spiritual practices in the morning can help slow down and come back into the body, setting a positive tone for the day.
  • 🥑 Eating high-fat foods like avocados and olives can be beneficial for health and energy levels.
  • 🍽️ Intermittent fasting and reducing food intake can lead to increased confidence and energy levels throughout the day.
  • 🌊 Surfacing emotions during detox can lead to moments of elation, joy, acceptance, surrender, and release.
  • 🚰 Drinking water is essential for detoxing and has emotional, mental, and physical benefits.
  • 🧠 Understanding and facing negative thoughts can lead to increased courage and resilience through physical movement and energy.
  • 🧠 Changing your environment and how you relate to toxic people can lead to a positive transformation in your life without you even noticing.

Combining a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, deep breathing, spiritual practices, high-fat foods, and detoxing can lead to increased energy, confidence, emotional release, and positive transformation in one’s life.

  • 00:00 🌊 Emphasizing the importance of maintaining habits, the program includes a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, resistance training, good water, good sleep, and natural habits for life to achieve default ketosis, intermittent fasting, and fat burning for detox and immunity enhancement.
    • The presentation discusses how to maintain habits, reviews week one and week two of the challenge, and emphasizes the importance of keeping up with the program to improve overall health.
    • Principles of the program include a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, along with resistance training, good water, good sleep, and natural habits for life, all of which will lead to default ketosis, intermittent fasting, and fat burning for detox and immunity enhancement.
  • 02:36 🌊 Detox daily through clean sources, deep breathing, and filtration, hydrate with alkaline or carbon filtered water, practice gratitude, and move the body in the morning.
    • Water and food are polluted, so it’s important to constantly detox through clean sources, deep breathing, and filtration.
    • Upon waking up, the speaker recommends hydrating with alkaline or carbon filtered water, taking deep breaths, and engaging in spiritual or gratitude practices before moving the body and showering in the morning.
  • 04:47 🌊 Delaying eating with intermittent fasting, alkaline water, and avoiding snacking can help regulate emotions and energy levels throughout the day.
    • Delaying the start of eating through intermittent fasting can be achieved by starting the day with coffee or bone broth to provide energy and reduce the psychological need for food.
    • The speaker discusses their daily habits, including walking, having coffee, eating high-fat foods, intermittent fasting, and avoiding snacking to prevent insulin spikes.
    • Stick to alkaline water, eat small amounts of food, and practice intermittent fasting to feel more confident and avoid emotional ups and downs throughout the day.
  • 07:57 🌿 Detoxing involves daily habits of breathing, relaxing, and meditating to release stress, nourishing the body, releasing food dependency, and surfacing emotional and spiritual aspects for overall well-being.
    • Practice daily habits of breathing, relaxing, and meditating to release accumulated stress.
    • Detoxing involves nourishing the body, releasing dependency on food, and surfacing emotional and spiritual aspects, leading to moments of elation and allowing for more good things to come.
  • 09:50 🌊 Developing daily habits for 28 days can lead to improved mindset, focus, and relationships, as well as releasing emotional and physical toxins.
    • Developing daily habits for 28 days can lead to improved mindset, focus, and relationships, as well as releasing emotional and physical toxins.
    • Focus on your personal progress, don’t be hard on yourself, and adjust your schedule as needed without worrying about perfection.
    • Adjust daily habits and lifestyle to experience the benefits of detoxing, stay hydrated, practice deep breathing, and maintain the right mindset for change.
  • 12:57 🌱 Practice new habits and perspectives for personal growth and healing, and use physical movement to build courage and resilience against negative thoughts.
    • Listen to your intuition, be sensitive to what is good for you, and practice new habits and perspectives for personal growth and healing.
    • Negative thoughts are natural and a reflection of fear, but moving physically can help build courage and resilience.
  • 15:33 🌅 Establish a routine that works for you and make small changes to it to improve your energy and well-being.
  • 17:13 🌱 Trust your intuition, remove toxic elements, maintain a daily routine, practice bravery, and be patient to notice positive changes in your well-being.
    • Change may feel unnatural and scary, but following your intuition can lead to becoming the person you want to be.
    • Change your environment to remove toxic elements and people, and you will notice a positive change in your life.
    • Listen to your intuition, maintain a daily routine, practice bravery, and be patient and focused to notice positive changes in your well-being.

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