Step by Step Guide Creating Your Offerings

If you’re just starting out on the, follow this simple Step by Step guide.

We have a handy planner available for download here.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Who are You and What is Your Offering?

  • Profile photo
  • About Me photos – secondary images of you
  • Describe yourself and your Offering in one sentence
  • Describe yourself and your Offering in a single paragraph
  • Describe yourself and your Offering in 3-4 paragraphs

Write it down now.

Step 2: Intro Videos

To begin, you’ll need TWO short videos.

The first video is your “Elevator Pitch” and is 30-60 seconds long.

The second video is your personal story in 3 to 5 minutes. Use it to tell your story in short: the troubles you faced and how you felt, the various solution that you’ve tried that did not work, and finally, the answer/solution you came up with, and how much better you are now!

Video 1 – Your “Elevator Pitch”

This is a short 30-60 second video:

“Hello, my name is…. and I am a …. I help people (overcome a problem) by/using (my skills/knowledge). People that have used my services have these BENEFITS (feel better, healthier, found a relationship)… “

Video 2 – Your Personal Story and Transformation

Tell your personal story, how you overcame your problem, how you feel now, and success stories:

“Hello, my name is…

I am a ….

I help people by….

My personal story… I had a problem…. describe the difficulties… whatever I tried did not work for me…

I finally found a way to overcome the problem… it took many tries… I wanted to give up… eventually I “saw the light”… I had my Awakening Eureka moment…

How I feel now… the benefits of how you feel AFTER.. before I could not… and now I can…

My success stories: “Mary came to me feeling depressed and sick. Mary tried everything and it nothing worked for her… After our first session Mary discovered that the root cause of her issues was…. and we started working on it. In the first week… in the second week… in the third week… in the fourth week… now Mary is …. (much better – describe how)…. Mary is excited for the future …. she is able to… and …. and … “

Closer – join me and I will help you… (benefits)”

This video should be about 3-8 minutes long.

Done? Great! Go ahead and post your one-on-one offerings, sessions, readings – and include the videos you just created.

Need assistance? We are here to help you with everything you need, just ask.

Step 3: Webinar

Next, offer a free & simple solution that helps people transform their lives.

Focus on RESOLVING ONE SPECIFIC PROBLEM, that improves their quality of life:

  • How to…
  • One Simple Trick….
  • The Easy Way to…
  • A Secret Revealed…
  • Intro to My Full Program….
  • My Predictions about….
  • My Top 5 Tips for…

The best way to share a gift is by telling your own story of trials and tribulations, what made you “see the light” and how you’ve changed after, including what you’ve done. You’ll finish your story with practical and useful advice on to how to solve that one specific problem you spoke of.

Here’s what it looks like.:

  • Hello… my name is…
  • I am a ….
  • I help people by….
  • I had the same problem…. describe the difficulties…
  • I tried various methods… describe the pain… nothing worked…
  • I overcame the problem… describe how you’ve done it….
  • How I feel now… the benefits of how you feel AFTER
  • My success stories: “Mary came to me feeling depressed and sick. After our first session Mary discovered that the root cause of her issues was…. and we started working on it. In the first week… in the second week… in the third week… in the fourth week… now Mary is …. (much better – describe how)…. Mary is excited for the future …. she is able to… and …. and … “
  • Instructions on how to solve the problem: specific, useful advice. Keep it simple:
  • Step 1… Step 2… Step 3…
  • Closer – join me in my mini course… and I will help you over come your problem… so you can… state the benefits!
  • Add a handy download/cheat sheet/planner/slide handout: tips, tricks, do’s and don’ts.

What is a Webinar?

A Webinar is an advanced method for you to introduce yourself and your services to the community. The Webinar video should be about 35min-45m long. In the Webinar video, you focus on SOLVING ONE SPECIFIC PROBLEM – that’s all.

Do not try to “include everything” in your Webinar video. It is better to SOLVE ONE SPECIFIC PROBLEM and show the community your abilities as a practitioner. You are offering FREE advice – make it useful, relevant and focused.

The Webinar needs only be 35-45 minutes long. and more detailed than the gift above. Keep your Webinar fun and catchy!

Step 4: Individual Sessions

Individual sessions are one on one time you spend with your clients, one at a time.


  • Psychic, Intuitive ad Therapy sessions
  • Coaching & Counseling
  • Teaching and Tutoring
  • See more examples here.

Your Product Page should include the following info:

  • Name of your Offering
  • Short Description of your Offering
  • Long Description of your Offering
  • BENEFITS – how will my life be better if I had a session with you?
  • Images of yourself during sessions, or any related images (copyright free)
  • Videos of you – from Step 1

Step 5: Mini Course / Challenge / Group Coaching

Course Creation Workbook

Step 6: Premium Offerings


The does not charge set-up fees or monthly fees:

  • We host all your content and videos, free to you – we pay for it.
  • We offer help and guidance creating your content, at no charge.
  • The expenses relating to the creation of your content are yours – we do not pay for those.
  • We may offer, at our discretion, sponsorship to select creators/practitioners.
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