1st Interview with Ethium 👽 – Essassani E.T.

Jozef and Ethium 👽 discuss the future of the human race; What’s Ethium’s home planet like, why he needs no food or sleep, when will disclosure occur plus many other topics. Channeled by Kennth Fuller. Ai generated keypoints andf summary below this video, Enjoy!

Key insights

  • 🌌 Ethium comes from a place that is beyond our understanding and has a different perception of reality.
  • 🌍 The purpose of Ethium being on Earth is to help facilitate the connection and open contact that is about to occur with humans on the planet.
  • 🌍 Reality is a Choose Your Own Adventure story, where you decide what you want to experience.
  • 🌍 Approximately 10% of the population energetically shifting to higher frequencies will cause a cascading effect on the world.
  • 🌍 “I think greed and the need to dominate others is probably the biggest problem on this planet right now” – addressing the issue of greed and domination as a major problem on Earth.
  • 💸 Money will ultimately be abandoned when free energy is available and the world stops polluting and trashing.
  • 🌍 Ultimately, we will lose the idea of borders and the need to invade other people for resources.
  • 👽 Ethium claims that they are the beginning stages of a new species called “homog Galacticus” and are the next stage in human evolution.

Humanity needs to shift into higher frequencies and embrace open contact with extraterrestrial beings in order to move past fear, greed, and societal limitations, and to ultimately evolve into a new species called homog Galacticus.

  • 👽 Essessani ET explorer discusses facilitating open contact with Earth and the potential uptick in ship sightings, emphasizing that people’s fear of beings from other planets is based on internal beliefs and fears of how they will be treated.
  • The speaker, Ethium, does not have a name and comes from a different dimension, and Jozef wants to hear more about him.
  • An Essessani ET explorer discusses their purpose of facilitating open contact with Earth and the potential uptick in ship sightings.
  • People will start coming forward with their experiences and not be punished, and the fear of beings from other planets is based on internal beliefs and fears of how they will be treated.
  • 👽 Open contact with extraterrestrial beings through channels, signals, and mass sightings, reflecting on childhood interest in space and physics, and the importance of pursuing contact and exploring all topics in the essence of the contact itself.
  • The speaker discusses the process of open contact with extraterrestrial beings and the use of channels to distribute information to other beings.
  • The next step in contact after sightings and channeling is to receive a signal and have mass sightings to open up the idea of open contact with extraterrestrials.
  • The speaker discusses how the individual’s childhood interest in space and physics may have been a reflection of their eventual contact with extraterrestrial beings.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of pursuing contact with extraterrestrial beings and the exploration of all topics in the essence of the contact itself.
  • 👽 The intent and usage of substances on Earth is influenced by feelings of worthlessness and the desire to increase energetic levels, perception of good or evil is a value judgment, and Essessani ETs sustain themselves on the energy of the universe and live in temporary structures within natural environments.
  • The intent behind the questions and the need to consume substances on Earth is influenced by feelings of worthlessness and the desire to increase energetic levels, but it’s the intent and usage of substances that determines their impact.
  • Your perception of good or evil is a value judgment, and reality is a Choose Your Own Adventure story where you decide how to define and experience situations.
  • Essessani ETs do not eat or sleep, as they are quasi-physical beings who sustain themselves on the energy of the universe and their culture consists of temporary structures within natural environments.
  • 👽 Ethium, an Essessani ET, discusses their planet, supercomputers, and the 350 million Essessani currently incarnated into humans on Earth, explaining that our planet is going through turmoil as a test, but once we shift to higher frequencies, the suffering will no longer exist.
  • Ethium, an Essessani ET, discusses their planet, supercomputers, motherships, nine planets in their system, and the 350 million Essessani currently incarnated into humans on Earth.
  • Most of the population of the speaker’s civilization is incarnated on Earth as humans, and there are markers to identify incarnated alien beings, such as finding space exciting.
  • Our planet is going through turmoil and suffering as a test to see how far into the pain we can go, but once we shift to higher frequencies, the suffering will no longer exist, and we need to awaken to move towards a peaceful life.
  • Approximately 10% of the population needs to energetically shift to higher frequencies in order to cause a cascading effect throughout the entire population, and the 100 monkeys theory does not apply here as it requires conscious effort to shift to a higher frequency.
  • 👽 Humanity needs to collectively shift into higher frequencies to integrate suppressed technology and move past greed and the need to dominate others, in order to be ready for the potential of free energy and fundamental societal change.
  • The speaker discusses the potential for free energy and technology to fundamentally change society, but notes that it has been suppressed in the past and will take time for humanity to be ready for such a shift.
  • Collectively shifting into higher frequencies will lead to the development and integration of suppressed technology, but it requires moving past greed and the need to dominate others.
  • Be the example for those who only see power and “Us Versus Them” by living and embodying the understanding of what it means to live in a different way.
  • 💡 Money and cryptocurrency will be abandoned when free energy is available, as value is subjective and comes from within.
  • Money, including cryptocurrency, will eventually be abandoned when free energy is available and the idea of value is determined by humans.
  • Value is subjective and ultimately comes from within, so the things we value only have value because we need them to.
  • 👽 In the future, borders and government will be replaced by synchronistic cooperation, allowing people to live freely and pursue their dreams alongside other star beings.
  • Borders, police, and armies will eventually be let go of, and government will function much in the way we do synchronistically in the future.
  • People with specific skills will work for the common good, and in the future, we will be integrated with other star beings, living freely and pursuing our dreams without the need for borders or invasion for resources.
  • Earth’s population is decreasing as more souls are trying to come to Earth, but it will eventually reach a stable and balanced point in the future.
  • 👽 Essessani ETs are the beginning of a new species called homog Galacticus, with DNA expressing more genetic material, and one can evoke that DNA within themselves through a high enough vibration, while advice for a healthier life is to be yourself, face challenges, grow, shift to higher perspectives, and understand that you chose to have experiences with other beings.
  • Ethium discusses how the Essessani ETs are the beginning of a new species called homog Galacticus, with their DNA expressing more genetic material and how one can evoke that DNA within themselves through a high enough vibration.
  • Advice for a healthier life is to be yourself, face challenges, grow, shift to higher perspectives, and understand that you chose to have experiences with other beings, and there is nothing more to do to make the channel more comfortable.

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